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ABL 500 Radiometer. Sysmex KX-21N ABL 837 Radiometer AVL Compact 2 Immulite 2500 JOUAN C-412 Vision Bondmax MIDAC MICROMASS MALDI TOF MPW-220 Calibration rack.
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ABL 500 blood gas analyzer, manufactured by Radiometer, is used for the determination of pH, pCO2, and pO2. By having a Radiometer ABL 500 at your facility, you can simplify your work routine and improve cost efficiency. The throughput capacity of the Radiometer ABL 500 is 60 samples per hour. ABL 500
The Radiometer ABL 700 Series of blood gas analyzers offers new facilities in critical care testing.
Good working condition.
IRMA TruPoint offers bedside testing that is accurate, reliable and self-contained.
Uniquely designed to maximize turnaround time, RAPIDLab® 1200 Systems have the capacity to enhance blood gas testing efficiency in the clinical laboratory by combining testing speed and reliability with low maintenance.
Compact semi-automated Humalyzer 2000 is perfectly suited for small- to medium-sized laboratories and as back-up analyzer.
The Pointe 180 is a small, semi-automated chemistry analyzer with six filters and a large test menu.
The CELL-DYN 3200 SL is a multi-parameter automated hematology analyzer designed for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories.